I created an ambigram - a sample of invertible writing - for the NPL's magazine, The Enigma
one month, and because that word is so easy to do, I was able to style the letters pretty much as I
liked. I liked the look of the result so much, I made it into a font. Every character, except c,
k, and v can turn into some other character or itself. To see what the title looked like,
type e{g}a .
The real reason to have anything to do with this family. If One-Eighty stopped screwing
around being all invertible and got down to the serious business of being a font, it would look like
It's now back and better than ever! What's the use of a font called "Three-Sixty" if you couldn't
even type "360°" with it? The original has been cleaned up a ton, the D has two serifs so that it
looks like a D, and the N no longer does that weird thing with the line that wasn't there. The
world's sassiest font with a numerical name also now comes with an extensive character set. The
hyphen's even back in the title where it belongs.
The same as Three-Sixty, but squished. All the same characters, though.
Based on a new game by Michael Selinker, which itself was based on a bit of Lovecraftian lore. Demons
live in corners, so he got it in his head to make a word game in which letters score for the number
of corners in the letters. So I made this font with the correct number of corners in each letter (I
think) and named it with a pun on the name of the game.
Some letters have been cleaned up, most notably the more Egyptian lower case a, and a brand
spankin' new italic has been created.
Special thanks go to Ponofob and the folks at Typophile for their help with getting the Mac version
of 1.2 done. The font still has its problems, but it's better than nothing.
The same font as above, except that the dog eats like a bird. Also now with its own italic version.

Poor, bedevilled geometric fonts with only the barest glimmer of hope. Click
here to see them, and mind the guillotine. It's sharp.
I drew this font on the back of a business card when I needed to write down the directions to
someone's new office. And that office was on - you guessed it - the fourth floor. Includes
alternate characters in Water Street Detour, which tags along.
My friend and neighbour, Eric Urquhart, did the conversions on this and River Avenue, below.
These happen to be .sea's rather than .sit's. If anyone really needs the other format (whether
compression, or format of fonts), I'll do what I can to provide them.
I have this compulsion, you see. I just can't leave well enough alone. I make these weird fonts
that have wild personalities and strange rules to them, and then I like their basic concept enough
to tame them down again, like this one. Well, all it means is you keep getting two fonts for the
price of one.
See the note in Water Street about the Mac version of this font.
Having just finished the Armenian block in Hindsight Unicode, I thought of making a
regular old Latin font using the same concepts. I started it, hated it, lay down until
the feeling went away, and then went back and fixed it. Yerevan is the result.
And finally, you can grab everything on the site in one swell foop, with the Panther Memorial
.zip file.