Welcome to BotWars.

This is a play by e-mail game based on the concept of programming robots to run a race. Right now the game is being run on a recruit-your-friends basis, since I'm new at this, and I'm trying to work the kinks out. If you'd like to play, do ask.

On this site, you can see the boards that we have designed so far, the rules and the instructions for making your own boards. The documentation is a touch out of date, but I'm working on it. I'd really love to get boards from players.

We're on our third version of the rules, and these are the rules that were being used in Game 3. If you're interested in version 2.1, so you can check out Game 2, they're still here.

Select Games to see the sample (but incomplete) game I set up, our three complete games, or the screens describing the two upcoming games. The first three all operated under the old rules, which are basically a subset of the current ones. The main changes were the introduction of new board elements and software upgrades, neither of which would have any effect on interpretation.

Right now, I'm putting a hold on any new open games, since this summer is looking like being very crazy. I'm also limiting the Geek-o Challenge to those players who have been actively participating within the last few months. Look for a new game to start in August or September.

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